Biobees supports responsible and sustainable horticulture. We are closely linked to several key businesses and organisations that cater to the horticultural market.
(Click on the logos to link to our partners' websites)

Bioforce Limited breeds and sells beneficial insects for the sustainable, non-chemical control of many common horticultural pests.

The Horticentre Group (Horticentre, TasmanCrop and HortFertplus) provides world-class horticultural products and services covering a wide range of horticultural crops. They bring together a team rich in practical and technical knowledge.

Horticultural supplies, laboratory testing, and infrastructure servicing. Chemtest does it all.

The Australasian Biological Control Association was founded in 1992. It was formed to facilitate cooperation and information exchange between companies producing beneficial arthropods for use in horticulture, agriculture and turf.
(Click on the logos to link to our partners' websites)

Bioforce Limited breeds and sells beneficial insects for the sustainable, non-chemical control of many common horticultural pests.

The Horticentre Group (Horticentre, TasmanCrop and HortFertplus) provides world-class horticultural products and services covering a wide range of horticultural crops. They bring together a team rich in practical and technical knowledge.

Horticultural supplies, laboratory testing, and infrastructure servicing. Chemtest does it all.

The Australasian Biological Control Association was founded in 1992. It was formed to facilitate cooperation and information exchange between companies producing beneficial arthropods for use in horticulture, agriculture and turf.